joi, 31 ianuarie 2013

Chevron pattern for friendship bracelets

Originally, these colorful bands were invented by Indians in Central and South America. According to tradition, you tie a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend who may wish for something at that moment. The bracelet should be worn until it is totally worn-out and falls off by itself, at which moment the wish is supposed to come true.
Today friendship bracelets seem to be appearing on the wrists of everyone from children to grandparents. These bracelets are often made of embroidery thread or yarn and can be woven into many intricate patterns. Some are even made with beads or chain woven into the design or other materials.The technique is relatively simple, requires no special equipment and can be done with inexpensive materials, making and sharing friendship bracelets is something nearly everyone can do.
In this post I'll show you how to make step by step a classic chevron pattern for a friendship bracelet.

What you need:
  • embroidery thread
  • a safety pin or tape
  • a pair of scissors

  • Irina Web Developer

    miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013


    Hi! :)
    We are the owners of this blog, a creative couple passionate of making hand made jewelry.We like especially making colourfull jewelry from eco-friendly materials such as string, fimo, fabric.
    This blog will present our work and how-to tutorials about different methods of realising jewelry. I'll try to write it both in our native language which is Romanian but also in English because we like to meet people from all over the world passionate and creative like us.
    Our jewelry can be bought from our online store from Breslo or sending an email with the picture of the item you want, your adress and anything else you want to specify.
    Because we love pictures and I don't want this post to be short or pictures empty I attach pictures with jewelry similar to what we make.
                                                                             Pictures source: Etsy, Tumblr

    Irina Web Developer